Below is a list of various publications and presentations involving Silver Pennies Consulting.
Johnson A, Bartels R, Honcz J, Graff JS, Skelton JB. Unlocking the potential of digital therapeutics: the need for consistent and granular inclusion in drug compendia for managed care. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2024 Nov;30(11):1318:1326. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2024.30.11.1318. Available at:
Skelton JB, Dharbhamalla V. The role of managed care pharmacy in coprescribing naloxone for patients with specific risk: recommendations from the AMCP Addiction Advisory Group. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2022 Jan;28(1):100-106. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2022.28.1.100. Available at:
Page A, Owen JA, Goode JR, Kuhn C, Skelton JB. Pharmacist-initiated treatment of minor conditions: a call to action. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). Jan-Feb 2021;61(1):13-9. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2020.09.021. Available at:
Skelton JB. Improving immunization rates in high-risk populations. Practice Insights: Global Edition. 2020 Sep. Available at: Accessed November 18, 2020.
American Pharmacists Association. Promising Practices for Pharmacist Engagement in Tobacco Cessation Interventions. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association; 2020. Available at:
Owen JA, Skelton JB, Maine LL. Advancing the adoption of continuing professional development (CPD) in the United States. Pharmacy (Basel). 2020 Aug 31;8(3):E157. doi:10.3390/pharmacy8030157. Available at:
Hillman LA, Gaither CA, Schommer JC. Resilience and well-being in pharmacy practice: where is the power? New perspectives for resilience and change. APhA 2020. American Pharmacists Association. Mar 2020. Poster. Available at:
Schommer JC, Gaither CA, Goode J'R, et al. Pharmacist and student pharmacist views of professional and personal well-being and resilience. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2020 Jan-Feb;60(1):47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.japh.2019.09.006. Epub 2019 Oct 25. Available at:
Crist K, Murphy D, Wright MO, Wallace E, Manning ML. The role of the infection preventionist in a transformed healthcare system: meeting healthcare needs in the 21st century. Am J Infect Control. 2019 Apr;47(4):352-7. Available at:
Gaiser AS, Louie D, Wilkins TL, Skelton JB, Chiang T. Multiple stakeholder evaluation of issues, barriers and needs for substance use disorder in the United States. AMCP Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. San Diego, California. 27 Mar 2019. Poster.
American Pharmacists Association. Practice guidance for expanding pharmacy-based tobacco cessation services within the appointment-based model. December 2018. Available at:
American Pharmacists Association. Vaccine considerations when expanding immunization service offerings. December 2018. Available at:
American Pharmacists Association. Moving beyond influenza: practice guidance for expanding pharmacy-based immunization services within the appointment-based model. December 2018. Available at:
American Pharmacists Association. APhA practice perspectives report: the next transition in community-based pharmacy practice. September 2018. Available at:
American Pharmacists Association. Leveraging the appointment-based model to expand patient care services: practice guidance for pharmacists. September 2018. Available at:
American Pharmacists Association. Benefits of medication synchronization and the appointment-based model. September 2018. Available at:
American Pharmacists Association. Practice guidance for pharmacy-based medication administration services. December 2017. Available at:
Crespi-Lofton J, Skelton JB. The growing role of biologics and biosimilars in the United States: Perspectives from the APhA Biologics and Biosimilars Stakeholder Conference. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2017 Sept-Oct;57(5):e15–e27. Available at:
Skelton JB, Rothholz MC, Vatanka P. Report of the APhA stakeholder conference on improving patient access to injectable medications. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2017 July-Aug;57(4):e1-e12. Available at:
APhA Foundation. Patient self-management credentialing and value-based health benefits design considerations in patient-centered, team-based care. December 2016. Available at:
AMCP Addiction Treatment Advisory Group. Findings and considerations for the evidence-based use of medications used in the treatment of substance use disorder. December 2016. Available at:
AMCP Addiction Treatment Advisory Group. The role of managed care pharmacy in improving access to naloxone: Findings from the AMCP Addiction Treatment Advisory Group. December 2016. Available at:
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Foundation. Balancing access and use of opioid therapy. Meeting Report of the 6th Annual Research Symposium. December 2016. Available at:
Skelton JB, Owen JA. Developing a vision and strategic action plan for future community-based residency training. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2016 Sept-Oct;56(5):584-9.e1. Available at:
American Chronic Pain Association, American Pharmacists Association. Taking care: the pharmacist's role in caring for patients with pain. 2015. Available at:'s%20Role%20in%20Caring%20for%20Patients%20with%20Pain_Toolkit.pdf.
Bluml BM, Watson LL, Skelton JB, Manolakis PG, Brock KA. Improving outcomes for diverse populations disproportionately affected by diabetes: Final results of Project IMPACT: Diabetes. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2014 Sep;54(5):477-85. Available at:
Rickles NM, Skelton JB, Davis J, Hopson J. Cognitive memory screening and referral program in the community pharmacies in the United States. Int J Clin Pharm. 2014 Apr;36(2):360-7. Available at:
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. Proceedings of the AMCP Integrated Care Summit: population health and quality improvement in anaphylaxis. J Manag Care Pharm. 2014 Jan;20(1 Suppl A):S1-9. Available at:
Skelton JB, Binaso KA. DOTx. MED: Pharmacist-delivered interventions to improve care for patients with diabetes. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2012 Jan-Feb; 52(1):25-37. Available at:
Skelton J. Call to Action for acetaminophen-containing medications. Pharmacy Today; Jan 2012:52-56. Available at:
Skelton JB; American Pharmacists Association; Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. Pharmacist-provided immunization compensation and recognition: white paper summarizing APhA/AMCP stakeholder meeting. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2011 Nov-Dec;1(6):704-12. Available at:
Manolakis P, Skelton J. Pharmacists' Contributions to Primary Care in the United States Collaborating to Address Unmet Patient Care Needs: The Emerging Role for Pharmacists to Address the Shortage of Primary Care Providers. Americal Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2010;74(10) Article S7. Available at:
Skelton J. Pharmacy-based Identification and Screening for Memory Decline: Curricular Guide for Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. July 2009. Available at:
Legislative task force on diabetes and obesity: Report to the California Legislature. January 23, 2009. Available at:
Skelton J. White paper on expanding the role of pharmacists in caring for individuals with Alzheimer's disease:APhA Foundation Coordinating Council to Improve Collaboration in Supporting Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2008 Nov-Dec;48(6):715-21. Available at:
Greenwood M. with the assistance of Skelton J. Help not hype: getting real about weight loss. Obesity Management. February 2007. Available at:
Skelton J. Guided by science - Grounded in service: A report on the Alzheimer's hhc Pharmacy Consensus Conference. U.S. Pharmacist. June 2005.
O'Sullivan T, Hammer D, Manolakis P, Skelton J, Weber S, et. al. Pharmacy Experiential Education Present and Future: Realizing the Janus Vision A Background Paper for the AACP APPI Summit to Advance Experiential Education in Pharmacy. June 3, 2005.
Gibson KB, Skelton JB. Pharmacists (Community Helper Series). Coughlan Publishing. September 2000.
Skelton, Jann B. Marguerite C. Holden Annual Lecture: Thinking Outside the Vial. Presented at the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy. Denver, Colorado. April 2008.
Skelton, Jann B. AACP Summit to Advance Experiential Education in Pharmacy. University of Texas College of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Foundation Advisory Council Meeting. Austin, Texas. September 2005.
Skelton, Jann B. Opening Minds and Hearts: Developing Pharmacy Services for Alzheimer's Patients and their Caregivers. Presented at:
Skelton, Jann B. Counseling and Support for the Alzheimer's Caregiver: The Pharmacist's Role. Presented at:
Skelton, Jann B. Mind Over Matter - Implementing an Alzheimer's Awareness and Screening Program. Presented at:
Skelton, Jann B. Exploring the Path of Innovation in Alzheimer's Awareness and Disease Management. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. March 2004.
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